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Christmas Gift Inspiration

Mince Pies, pine trees, tinsel, carols and fairy lights - it must be Christmas! We want to help you make Christmas special for your family & friends with some brilliant ideas for gifts that last forever!

Buying art can be a little daunting, let alone as a gift for someone else, but with so many beautiful affordable pieces we are confidant we can help you get it right! With prints starting from only £5, yes £5, we have got this covered for you.....

Here is a little inspiration for awesome Christmas gifts for you to consider - and if you need any help or advice at any time please email us on hello@boxbird.co.uk


1. Hidden Tiger by Peskimo £12. 2 Keep On Going by Zara Wood £75. 3. Pyramid by Sam Williams £90

 4. The Ladder by John Bond £18. 5. Star Wars Stamps by Graham Carter £95. 6. At the Beach by Mina Braun £50

 7. Scandi Heart by Dee Beal £25. 8.Garden Birds by Nadia Taylor £50. 9. Love BeardS by Hello DODO £25

 10. Lion on a Sunday £25 by Hello DODO £25. 11. Rabbit Chalk by Peskimo £5. 12. The Gardener by Graham Carter £40

 13. Polaroid by Pat Edgeley £15. 14. Blue Lorikeet by Fanny Shorter £150. 15. Jolly Flower by Ruth Green £100

Alphamals by Graham Carter, £80 each.

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